Zillow 8-Touch Conversion


Despite our love/hate relationship with Zillow as a whole, looking at it from a different angle, it can be a huge resource for business. With the countless FSBO and Make Me Move listings available, along with their contact information, it can be used daily to convert interested sellers into clients. Now, it's all in the numbers and consistency of your prospecting that will get you business.

I've attached the scripts you need to send once a week for up to 8 weeks. If you get a response at any time during the 8 weeks from a homeowner, you would stop sending the scripted content, and follow up with them to lead them in the direction of a live meeting. So you can land that listing! Leave an hour to two, depending on how many there are in your area, pick a particular day, and start messaging them through Zillow's inquiry messenger every week. Be sure you are only sending messages to FSBO's and Make Me Moves. Not properties already listed with other agents. When sending the message, be sure to uncheck the box that's automatically checked to send your inquiry to a Premier Agent, and be sure to check the box to send your message to the owner of the property.